1. **Focus on What Matters, Let Go of What Doesn’t:** Prioritize what is important and let go of what isn’t. #This is crucial.

2. **Spend Less Than You Earn:** Be disciplined about saving and ensure you have money left over. The more you save and the less you spend, the quicker you’ll find comfort and be able to invest further. Those who spend only 10% of their income are likely to retire sooner, while those who save only 5% will experience slower growth. Conversely, individuals who spend recklessly and accumulate debt will naturally feel a sense of scarcity.

3. **Wealth Doesn’t Have to Be Stressful:** You can enjoy giving and see yourself grow happily without struggling or being overworked. Don’t get used to thinking that wealth requires constant hardship and exhaustion.

4. **Don’t Focus on Limitations:** Instead of dwelling on conditions that make you feel you have no opportunities, create opportunities for yourself continuously.

5. **Focus on Your Inner Self:** Rather than trying to control external factors, focus on your own mindset. If your heart is strong, you can achieve anything.

6. **Problems Indicate Areas for Improvement:** Use problems as indicators for where you need to develop. Don’t stress over problems or blame external factors.

7. **Desires vs. Needs:** If there’s something you want but don’t have, it’s okay. Don’t let your desires dictate your self-worth. Avoid following trends that tie your value to external factors.

8. **Value Your Time:** If you don’t value your time, you’ll end up wasting it and facing predictable results. Don’t blame fate for the outcomes of your actions.

9. **Talent Comes from Passion and Expertise:** True talent arises from mastering what you love. Those who contribute value to others naturally achieve wealth. #Talent can be developed; if you don’t recognize your own skills, work on building them.

10. **Investing Doesn’t Have to Involve Debt:** You can accumulate and invest without going into debt. Don’t fear taking things slowly or feeling left behind. By avoiding debt, you learn to handle resources responsibly and create them yourself.

11. **Creating Resources Leads to More Opportunities:** When you generate resources on your own, you open the door to creating many new things. For those who wish to become wealthy, may your wishes come true. For those who are satisfied, congratulations on your freedom.

Inspired by Kru Pru Pae

With Love
